years-experience access-alumni-network airfare airport-pick-up assistance-with-application-process community-service-placement continuous-support cultural-trips domestic-transport emergency-support field-trips global-competence-certificate grade-transcripts host-family-placement housing individual-contact-person internship-placement language-instruction meals medical-insurance orientations-during-your-time-abroad other pre-departure-orientation product-materials re-entry-orientation school-dipolma school-materials school-placement school-transport school-uniform stipend teaching-materials vaccinations visa-and-passport-fees visa-application-assistance world-wide-presence

Merci de noter que la disponibilité de cette mission ne pourra vous être confirmée qu’après l’inscription. En cas d’indisponibilité, il pourra vous être proposé une autre mission ou un remboursement des frais d’inscription.

Le  contenu de la mission n’est pas contractuel et peut être soumis à certaines modifications.

(en cours de traduction)

The ALALAY Foundation is and organization that works toprevent social risks that cause children vulnerability, through social integration of children and adolescents living in the streets, derived from defenders, institucionalized household shelters and parents.

ALALAY Foundation has been implementing different programs.

  • Therapeutic programs and containment behavior changes
  • Academic tutoring programs.
  • Spiritual support programs.
  • Training programs in Life skills, values and exercise of rights.
  • Soccer Social schools supported by Real Madrid Foundation.
  • Technical training support.
  • Skills for life development program

The participants will have a wide range of activities to do on a daily basis:

  • Street Work and Engagement: Engage new beneficiaries in the streets and take them to the Alalay’s Village or work with them on the streets with the rest of the team
  • Teaching Asistance: Children are helped by participants on day-to-day school activities on different subjects and homework assigments
  • Artistic Skills Development: Children are taught different artistic skills, i.e. drawing, painting, music, or other artistic skills participants might propose.
  • New Children Induction: Prepare newcomers to Alalay’s reality, induction and social interactions
  • Familiar Reinforcement Participants and the team have regular meetings with those children with families, show them the children progress and help them with tasks to improve the relationship

The volunteer will also have the chance to propose a project of his/her own, in the areas previously mentioned

ALALAY has many different locations. Depending of which location is chosen, volunteer will either stay with host families or at the project.

Détails du programme

  • Lieu
  • Programme individuel ou pour les groupes

Est inclus dans votre séjour

  • Hébergement
  • Placement en famille d'accueil
  • Service d'urgence 24/24, 7/7
  • Repas
  • Conseil pour la préparation du dossier
  • Certificat de compétence interculturelle
  • Assistance continue
  • Orientation avant le départ
  • Orientations pendant votre séjour
  • Réseau international
  • 70 ans d'expérience
  • Suivi individuel
  • Billet d'avion
  • Accueil à l'aéroport
  • Trajet aéroport-famille d'accueil
  • Information sur les démarches de demande de visa
  • Mission de volontariat

Vous avez à votre charge

  • Frais de visa et passeport
  • Argent de poche
  • Vaccins